Komi is a refugee who was resettled to the United States in 1999. He was first elected in November 2008.
Komi's Twitter likes is also littered with porn and other imagery degrading women.
"The loathing that many on the left had for (Clinton) is hard to understate, and it is not matched by their lack of enthusiasm for Biden."
#MeToo, but not her!
Tara Reade has alleged that Biden cornered her in his senate office in 1993 and forcibly inserted his fingers inside of her.
“All the success President Trump has made, 80% decline on the southern border, goes away, Day One, if he doesn’t retain the presidency."
The New York State Board of Elections removed Sanders from the ballot earlier this week, which cancelled the primary election.
Gillibrand delivered a scathing speech about the sexual-assault allegations against Kavanaugh during his nomination process.
"Look, when America goes alone — when America is first, it's America alone," Biden stumbled through saying.