A whopping seventy-six percent of Democrats said they believed Christine Blasey Ford.
Voters apparently aren't as wishy-washy on #MeToo as female politicians.
"CNN did not breathe a word about the accusation against Biden until April 25."
"She will describe to the American public what happened to her."
Biden did 19 interviews over the course of five weeks and was asked 142 questions — none were about the sexual assault claims.
One of them also compared allegations of sexual assault to Hillary Clinton's emails.
Komi is a refugee who was resettled to the United States in 1999. He was first elected in November 2008.
Komi's Twitter likes is also littered with porn and other imagery degrading women.
#MeToo, but not her!
Tara Reade has alleged that Biden cornered her in his senate office in 1993 and forcibly inserted his fingers inside of her.