The 75-year-old animal trainer and magician had announced that he had the coronavirus on April 28.
"...the level of disrespect that you have to have for your audience to just lie to their faces and hope that they spread it."
His Facebook account remains active, despite the threats.
Conway has been repeatedly placed in the awkward position of defending her boss from her rabidly media-hungry husband.
"She will describe to the American public what happened to her."
Yet, they contradictorily also support President Trump's idea of withholding taxpayer dollars from universities that restrict speech.
Protesters had signs with slogans such as “tyranny is not leadership," "all jobs are essential," "media is the virus," and "end the shutdown."
President Trump called for a "long overdue Florida Cold Case against Psycho Joe Scarborough," using the hashtag #OPENJOECOLDCASE.
If extradited and convicted, he could face up to 175 years for the “crime” of publishing information that the US did not want the public to...