Both the green and purple teams hate the red aliens.
Rick Savage plans to open his restaurant on May 1 against state orders.
The Salvation Army has been the target of extreme disdain from the left for being a religious organization.
"The loathing that many on the left had for (Clinton) is hard to understate, and it is not matched by their lack of enthusiasm for Biden."
The "American Patriot Rally" protesters forced their way into the chamber as the legislatures were debating the orders.
#MeToo, but not her!
The bodies were being kept in unrefrigerated U-Haul trucks at the Andrew Cleckley Funeral Home in the Flatlands neighborhood.
The cosplayer has built up quite a following on social media for his quirky and dramatic renditions of beloved characters using household items.
The massive mural reads "Protect Amazon workers," with images of workers in medical masks above the text.
“All the success President Trump has made, 80% decline on the southern border, goes away, Day One, if he doesn’t retain the presidency."