Protesters had signs with slogans such as “tyranny is not leadership," "all jobs are essential," "media is the virus," and "end the shutdown."
President Trump called for a "long overdue Florida Cold Case against Psycho Joe Scarborough," using the hashtag #OPENJOECOLDCASE.
Rep. Gaetz tweeted a screenshot of his conversation with the Miami Herald reporter.
Ballinger clearly knew his age, as they joked about how his parents would react to adults sending him a bra and panties.
The pranksters were able to convince Baskin to do the interview by agreeing to only talk about cats.
One of them also compared allegations of sexual assault to Hillary Clinton's emails.
Goodrich locked his Twitter account after it was revealed that his landlord is his grandmother.
The "Code Red" rating means that they have concluded that this policy "clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech.”
On Friday, the magazine tweeted that "the goals of these white Americans are rooted in a desire to return to their white dominance and white comfort."
Komi's Twitter likes is also littered with porn and other imagery degrading women.